Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Ten Overused Medical Tests and Treatments

Consumer Reports: Ten Overused Medical Tests and Treatments

— A new Consumer Reports investigation, published in the November issue, identifies 10 “Overused Tests and Treatments” and spells out how consumers can navigate a health-care system that rewards costly — and often unnecessary — tests and procedures and de- emphasizes preventive care.
The CR investigation identifies three main problems in the U.S. health- care system: unnecessary tests and treatments; costly new drugs that are often no better than the older, cheaper ones; and a glaring under-appreciation for preventive care. The investigation is the second in a series about health care. The theme of dysfunctional profit incentives was brought to light in the first installment, published in September, in which CR took note of the deteriorating ability of insurance companies to slow the growth of medical costs since 2000. The annual U.S. health-care bill, reports CR, has risen to $2 trillion, its highest point in history.Ten Overused Tests and Treatments
For consumers unfamiliar with the term “fee for service,” CR explains: Because the vast majority of doctors and hospitals are paid on a piecework basis, the more services they provide, such as blood tests, surgeries, MRIs, and CT scans, the more money they make. Experts estimate that the nation’s $2 trillion annual health-care tab is one-third to one-half higher than need be, in part because of overuse of expensive treatments and unnecessary care. CR’s overused tests and treatments are listed here, click

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